These functions allow for setting and resetting default aesthetic values for certain ggplot2 geoms. This is necessary for geoms to be "themed" to CMAP style standards, because (at least at the moment) setting geom aesthetic defaults on a plot-by-plot basis (such as with ggplot2::theme) is not possible. The geoms impacted are stored in cmapplot_globals$geoms_that_change.

apply_cmap_default_aes(quietly = FALSE)

unapply_cmap_default_aes(quietly = FALSE)



Should the function suppress confirmation message?


These functions are employed implicitly within finalize_plot to apply preferred aesthetic defaults to final outputs. They are only necessary to use explicitly if you would like plots to use these defaults pre-finalize.

CAUTION: Running apply_cmap_default_aes will set defaults for all ggplot2 plots drawn in the current session. To reset to ggplot2 defaults (technically, to whatever the defaults were when cmapplot was loaded), use unapply_cmap_default_aes.

Note: CMAP aesthetic defaults are loaded into cmapplot_globals$default_aes_cmap by the internal pkg function init_cmap_default_aes when cmapplot is first loaded into R.


  • apply_cmap_default_aes(): Apply CMAP aesthetic defaults to all ggplots in the current session

  • unapply_cmap_default_aes(): Reset modified geom aesthetics to their values when cmapplot was first loaded


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
g <- ggplot(filter(grp_over_time, category == "Services"),
            aes(x = year, y = realgrp, color = cluster)) +
  geom_recessions(ymax = 0.4, text_nudge_x = 0.1) +
  theme_cmap(hline = 0,
             axislines = "x",
             legend.max.columns = 2) +
  ggtitle("Change in gross regional product over time") +
  geom_line() +
  scale_x_continuous("Year", breaks = seq(2007, 2017, 2)) +
  coord_cartesian(clip = "off") +
geom_text_lastonly(aes(label = realgrp), add_points = TRUE)

# print normally

# overwrite `default_aes`

# reset `default_aes`

# finalize alters the defaults implicitly, but then resets them automatically.

# you can also use `finalize` without these modifications
finalize_plot(g, use_cmap_aes = FALSE)
} # }