Return one or more ggplot objects that together construct a plot area in accordance with CMAP design standards.

  xlab = NULL,
  ylab = NULL,
  hline = NULL,
  vline = NULL,
  gridlines = c("h", "v", "hv", "none"),
  axislines = c("none", "x", "y", "xy"),
  axisticks = c("none", "x", "y", "xy"),
  show.legend = TRUE,
  legend.max.columns = NULL,
  debug = FALSE,
  overrides = list(),


xlab, ylab

Char, the string used to label the x and y axes, respectively. If unspecified, the axis label will be left off the graph. See details for unexpected outcomes when using these arguments along with coord_flip().

hline, vline

Numeric, the location of a strong horizontal or vertical line to be added to the plot. Use hline = 0, for example, to place a line at y = 0 to differentiate between positive and negative values. The width of this line is determined by cmapplot_globals$consts$lwd_strongline. Note that on most displays the difference between this line and gridlines is impossible to discern in R. The difference will be visible upon export.


Char, the grid lines to be displayed on the chart. If left as default, horizontal grid lines will be displayed while vertical grid lines will be masked. Acceptable values are "h" (horizontal only), "v" (vertical only), "hv" (both horizontal and vertical), and "none" (neither).


Char, the axis lines to be displayed on the chart. Acceptable values are "x" (x axis only), "y" (y axis only), "xy" (both axes), and "none" (neither, the default).


Char, the axis ticks to be displayed on the chart. Acceptable values are "x" (x axis only), "y" (y axis only), "xy" (both axes), and "none" (neither, the default). Because ggplot2 defaults to moderately expanding the range of displayed data, this may need to be accompanied by a call to expand = c(0, 0) within an appropriate scale_*_* argument in order for ticks to appear to touch the outermost gridline(s).


Bool, TRUE is the default. FALSE to hide the legend.


Integer, the maximum number of columns in the legend. If no value is set, the chart will rely on `ggplot`'s default and automatic column handling behavior, which should work for most cases. Manual adjustment may be required if legend entries are particularly numerous and/or lengthy. Note that `ggplot` will still auto-adjust in ways that may mean the total number of columns is less than the maximum (e.g., if there are five items in a legend with four columns as the maximum, the output will be one row of three and another row of two).


Bool, Defaults to FALSE. Set to TRUE to show rectangles around all geom_rect() elements for debugging.


Named list, overrides the default drawing attributes defined in cmapplot_globals$consts which are drawn by theme_cmap. Units are in bigpts (1/72 of an inch).


pass additional arguments to ggplot2's theme function to override any elements of the default CMAP theme.


Using either the xlab or ylab argument, but not both, will have undesireable outcomes in a ggplot that also invokes coord_flip(). Under the hood, theme_cmap(xlab = "foo") both sets ggplot2::xlab = "foo" and 'turns on' the ggplot theme element axis.title.x. With coord_flip(), the xlab travels with the data (becoming the ylab) but the theme modifier stays on the x axis. To solve this, rewrite your ggplot construction to avoid coord_flip() or manually turn off and on the correct elements from ggplot2's theme function in the ... of this function.


if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{

# The only way to place the origin line (`hline`, `vline`) behind any data geoms
# is to or place `theme_cmap()` before the geoms:
 ggplot(grp_over_time, aes(x = year, y = realgrp, color = cluster)) +
   theme_cmap(hline = 0, ylab = "Percent change") +
   geom_line() +
   scale_x_continuous(breaks = scales::breaks_pretty(11))

 df <- dplyr::filter(traded_emp_by_race, variable %in% c("SpecializedTraded",

 ggplot(df, aes(x = reorder(Race, -value), y = value, fill = variable)) +
   geom_col(position = position_stack(reverse = TRUE)) +
   scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
   theme_cmap(hline = 0, ylab = "This is the y axis")

 ggplot(df, aes(y = reorder(Race, -value), x = value, fill = variable)) +
   geom_col(position = position_stack(reverse = TRUE)) +
   scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::percent) +
   theme_cmap(vline = 0, gridlines = "v")
} # }