The cmapplot package contains a many color palettes extracted from the larger, official CMAP color palette. Helper functions allow the user to inspect the various palettes before applying them to plots.

viz_gradient(pal, ttl = NULL)

viz_palette(pal, ttl = NULL, num = NULL)

  which = c("discrete", "sequential", "divergent"),
  return = c("colors", "type", "exists")



character, name of a a cmapplot palette, or a vector of colors representing a palette


character, title to be displayed (the name of the palette)


numeric, the number of colors to display


a vector of palette types to consider


Value to return. "colors", the default, returns the palette as a vector of colors. "type" returns the palette's type. "Exists" returns TRUE or FALSE based on whether the name is found in the palettes table.


Palettes are stored in a tibble the cmapplot_globals environment. The user can access this tibble with get_cmapplot_global, but it is easier to access information about a single palette with fetch_pal.

viz_palette and viz_gradient draw the palette to the plots window. These functions are modified with respect from the ochRe package.

For more information about available cmapplot color palettes and how to apply them, see vignette("colors").


  • viz_gradient(): Interpolates the range of colors a sequential or divergent palette offers when used on a continuous scale.

  • viz_palette(): Displays the colors of any cmapplot palette

  • fetch_pal(): Returns details about a palette


# Vizualize a sequential or divergent palette with interpolation

# Visualize a single palette as individual colors

# Print names and types of all available palettes"palettes")[1:2])
#>                 name       type
#> 1         prosperity   discrete
#> 2          community   discrete
#> 3        environment   discrete
#> 4         governance   discrete
#> 5           mobility   discrete
#> 6        legislation   discrete
#> 7             friday   discrete
#> 8               race   discrete
#> 9               reds sequential
#> 10           oranges sequential
#> 11           yellows sequential
#> 12            greens sequential
#> 13             teals sequential
#> 14             blues sequential
#> 15           purples sequential
#> 16             grays sequential
#> 17 yellow_orange_red sequential
#> 18   green_teal_blue sequential
#> 19        orange_red sequential
#> 20     yellow_orange sequential
#> 21      yellow_green sequential
#> 22        green_teal sequential
#> 23         teal_blue sequential
#> 24        red_purple sequential
#> 25     yellow_purple  divergent
#> 26       orange_blue  divergent
#> 27          red_teal  divergent
#> 28      purple_green  divergent
#> 29       blue_yellow  divergent
#> 30       teal_orange  divergent
#> 31         green_red  divergent

# Identify the first two colors of the Prosperity Palette
#> [1] "#662f00" "#e5d072"

# Confirm that "reds" is a sequential palette
fetch_pal("reds", which = "sequential", return = "exists")
#> [1] TRUE