• Daniel Comeaux. Author, maintainer.

  • Sarah Buchhorn. Author.

  • Martin Menninger. Author.

  • Noel Peterson. Author.

  • Greta Ritzenthaler. Author.

  • Matthew Stern. Author.

  • Sean Connelly. Author.

  • Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning logo. Copyright holder, funder.



Comeaux D, Buchhorn S, Menninger M, Peterson N, Ritzenthaler G, Stern M, Connelly S (2024). cmapplot: CMAP Themes and Color Palettes. R package version 1.2.1, https://github.com/CMAP-REPOS/cmapplot, https://cmap-repos.github.io/cmapplot.

  title = {cmapplot: CMAP Themes and Color Palettes},
  author = {Daniel Comeaux and Sarah Buchhorn and Martin Menninger and Noel Peterson and Greta Ritzenthaler and Matthew Stern and Sean Connelly},
  year = {2024},
  note = {R package version 1.2.1, https://github.com/CMAP-REPOS/cmapplot},
  url = {https://cmap-repos.github.io/cmapplot},